Sunday, June 28, 2009

Our Highest Calling

XUYI COUNTY, CHINA - JUNE 1:  A resident witne...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Business is tough these days and the temptation is to become all things to all buyers so that you might sell something to some. That's another self-defeating behavior arranged by an Ego whose focus is on its own well being. We simply can't be successful at the business of everything. Our market message becomes confused and we're now known for nothing. Would you remember "Widgets, Gadgets, and More Stuff" or would you more inclined to remember and try "Widgets Are Us" the next time you need to satisfy a widget craving? While we can't be everything, we can be something. The question is "what?"

People associate known good or bad qualities in one area to other areas. They think that because someone is attractive they are also resourceful and honest. They will be suspicious of another if they simply know nothing other than they are poor. This is the halo effect. If you have a positive image in one area, a halo will create a positive image elsewhere.

Being exceptional in one area calls for a focus on it. The fear is that a narrow focus will limit business and cripple profitability. Not always. People's tendency to associate can continue to work to the Active Investor's advantage. If a business demonstrates competence in a complex or unusual area, customers will assume their competence in simpler and more common aspects of the business. The art of profitable focus (halo building) is to choose to build your reputation of excellence in the most complex or unusual area where you can still prove your excellence. Without your drawing attention to any other aspects of the business, prospects will simply assume they have been handled with the same degree of professionalism.

When traveling Interstate 35 through Texas, stop in the town of West. Along the east service road are 3 gas stations, each with a large marque sign competing for your business with major oil company brand recognition and current pricing. At this level they seem similar; however, one of them has so many cars parked there, they have purchased the lot next to them to handle the frequent overflow. This business also sells kolaches. They've created so many delicious varieties the crowds of travelers come without a thought of a major brand or the current pricing. Any travelers new to kolaches see those crowds and assume if they're that popular, these have to be worth buying.

The Cost of Goods Sold for a kolcahe is small change; but what has been achieved by a successful focus on the unusual is worth millions. What should be our focus? What is our highest halo? The answer also is our highest professional calling.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Choice of Entity

Business Plan in a Day bookImage by Raymond Yee via Flickr

Anyone wanting to become an Active Investor, that is invest in their own enterprise, has to choose a legal form for the business. Making the best choice will require discussions with a lawyer on liability issues and a tax professional on tax exposure. In spite of all this advice, the Active Investor needs to make some personal decisions before consulting either.

A lawyer will seek to aggressively protect their client, including recommending a business form that will provide the best shielding for personal assets. While this is prudent, you should never fall into the illusion that a chosen entity type adequately protects you from potential legal actions. Many attorneys have been successful in proving an entity has not been maintained according to state law and this has exposed the owners personal assets to their complaint. Be aware of the liability protection a business entity can provide; but never depend solely on that. There are two things every business should maintain to protect the owner from liability - a passion for excellence (quality) and insurance. If these are not both built into the heart of any business plan, then there is an argument that the best choice of entity is employee.

Before discussing tax ramifications, there is also an issue the potential Active Investor should consider. It's been said 85% of the workforce are employees, 14% are self-employed, and 1% are business owners. Are you changing from employee to being self-employed or to being an owner? If the goal is to build and own an organization, tax considerations are somewhat different from trying to minimize a self-employed professional's tax exposure. Working out of a normal (C) corporation can create double taxation for the self-employed, which is very undesirable. Some type of "flow through" entity is often recommended. However, if the objective is to build an organization, the funds to grow the business need to come from future company profits. The C corporation has a low (15%) tax rate for it's first tier. This allows the small business to retain some earnings at that low tax rate for growth. If the profits would "flow through" to the owner to avoid double taxation, those funds for growth are effectively taxed at the owner's tax rate. Different intentions create very different tax strategies.

There are many more considerations that need to be considered with an attorney and tax professional. Successful business people often attribute much of their success to having a winning team of trusted advisers who have guided them through these and other issues. However, the secret of the adviser's success is having a client who has thought through what they really want and can give those advisers clear directions.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Sixty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Imagination (1896). Olin Warner (completed by ...Image via Wikipedia

Since Freud, our parents and our upbringing have been popular targets of blame. We'll never really know our parent's inner struggles, only that parents are given a miraculous gift of unmerited love for their children. No matter how graciously or obscurely that gift was expressed, the bottom line is always that our parents did the best they knew how. As children we also can share in this family gift. Love, respect, and appreciate what we can and forgive them for anything else.

Who outside our family doesn't also deserve the same? Nothing ever turns out the way we imagined. Stopping our Imagination, depicted in the picture posted here, is to stop living. It's only from imagination we enable creativity, growth, and hope. We can't go far on sheer will power; but our imaginations can fuel anything. The inevitable frustration and disappointment that an active imagination will cause requires we also extend our forgiveness to all involved. Anything less permanently disables our future happiness.

This is a lot easier to understand than to practice. The root of unforgiveness seems of reside inside of us. The fundamental attribute error that plagues our relationships with others is also nurtured in our self-recriminations. Ridiculous as it sounds, we take the position that we're not worthy of ourselves. With that absurdity firmly in place, we're now perfectly aligned to ruin our lives and the lives of those around us. Self forgiveness requires a large degree of self respect.

In the history of humanity, nothing has lead people to acknowledge their self-worth more than a belief that God resides within them. We know ourselves too well to completely trust us; but we can trust God within us.

I've just turned 60 and that called for some reflection. Before 30, happiness was found in experiences. After 30, the experiences needed meaning, so goals and growth processes became more important. Today the meanings need to be significant, that is from God within. Being able to forgive what's not that, seems to free all that is.
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Friday, June 5, 2009

Market Trust

Trust me!Image by Lorenia via Flickr

Many believe a marketing program is successful if it raises the public's awareness of your product or service. Coach Roland in a May 31,2009 blog posting points out that we all have become saturated with messages trying to raise our awareness. Awareness alone won't lead to sales. He asserts our messages need to communicate what we intend to do to earn the market's trust. We have to do more to really get their attention.

Mature successful firms get most of their business from repeat customers or referrals from satisfied clients. Trust has been earned in prior dealings. Here the driver of continued success is the customer service staff. They are the guardians of market trust and need to be in close contact with the marketing staff. Social networking is providing marketing with a new generation of tools to measure customer service effectiveness and satisfaction. These departments work together to preserve existing trust.

Newer and smaller firms, more likely to be run by an Active Investor, may not have this kind of staff and or large base of past customers. Trust needs to be developed. How can a business reach out to the market in such a way that both trust and awareness are developed? A system dynamics approach is to look at trust as a resource, that is a stock of something that has a level that can go up and down, and then consider what are the drivers that will increase its level. Some rather universal drivers of trust are:

- Credentials: Are there authoritative "seals of approval" we can display to verify quality or competence?
- Appearance: Is our offering presented in such a way it creates an assumption of worth, or do we look mediocre?
- Recommendations: Do we understand and develop a history with those who may not purchase but still be in a position to recommend us?
- Concern: While Active Investors are typically always concerned for their customers, is this expressed in a way they can appreciate it? Do they feel we have really listened?
- Familiarity: Can we be remembered? Familiarity breeds business.
- Integrity: Is trust built into our business and personal decision making? Nothing develops trust more surely than personally being trustworthy.
- Assurances: Is there historical data or performance guarantees to factually support any measure of trust a prospect is considering granting us?

Each business is unique with its own ways to build trust. They are to be found at decision points where there is an opportunity to do the right thing or to be expedient. When you have first convinced yourself you'll always be doing what's best for your customer, you'll know what to do to further develop market trust.

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