An unavoidable aspect of Divine Intention is that it cannot be completely known in advance. Look at any number of acorns. You'll never find a tiny oak tree inside. The oak tree "emerges" out of the acorn and a fertile environment.
With or without a religious background, this sense of Divine Intention can be felt. How do we learn to co-operate with it? To carry the metaphor further, our efforts cannot be focused on planning to be a tree. At any point in time we're an acorn without a clear picture of what an oak might be. Our focus has to be on finding the fertile environment where we can grow into our Divine Intention.
The conventional word for environment in business is "market." Active Investors are obsessed with their markets. They are concerned more about them than anything else. Free time isn't spent on process improvement, that's allocated time. It's spent imagining how roots can grow deeper into the environment. There is a simple trust that our "oak" will happen if we can just develop the roots.
This is the primary drive of the successful business owner or professional. There's nothing wrong with a primary passion for your craft instead; however, that's an employee, not an Active Investor.